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Awaken your mind’s powers and manifest your conscious vision.

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Meet The Founder

Hey, I’m Ons.

Just an earthling creating & raising consciousness.

Founder of @Conscious Mind Vision, I love mixing ideas about the mind, spirit, and the universe, and now integrating the creator business world. 

My journey started in 2020 during my MBA in Finance when I was suffering from depression. This tough time opened my eyes to the importance of mental and spiritual health.

In the past years, I worked as a business advisor, created multiple e-commerce shops, and helped entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Eventually, I shifted away from e-commerce to focus on what truly matters to me. ( Working less hours but more fulfilling life.)

Now, I help other entrepreneurs, creators, and coaches bring their visions to life, expand their perspectives, and find the freedom they’re searching for.

Fun fact:  I am a 6/2 Human design born on a full moon.