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I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with my sensitivity. 

Perhaps you can relate:

  • Feeling too much.
  • Observing too much.
  • Hearing “You’re too sensitive.”
  • Seeing stuff that aren’t there.

You don’t know what to do with all those emotions. 

You try to hide it, numb it, avoid it. But it’s still there. 

You probably felt that your sensitivity was more of a curse than a gift. 

Or maybe society made you feel that way, that it was more a weakness than a strength. 

But the truth is, we were lied to.

You know the saying that your strength is usually hidden in plain sight? 

I didn’t see it that way until one day I stumbled across a random video of a guy explaining that the very thing your family and friends paint as your negative trait is, in fact, the very thing that is going to be your strength. 

  • The whole challenge is to become conscious of that trait.
  • The whole challenge is for you to awaken to that power.

Once you awaken to your sensitivity, you’ll also awaken your creative mind.

“The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanely sensitive.”  – Pearl S. Buck

But what if I told you that this very trait is your portal to your upgrade? Personal or Business level. 

Here are 3 main steps on how you can use your sensitivity To upgrade your reality:

1) Become Conscious of the Roots

Since 95% of your actions, habits, and behaviors are directed by your subconscious mind, the first step towards transformation is through identifying.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung

With that said: 

  • You won’t know what’s holding you back until you face it.
  • You won’t know what you’re capable of until you face it.
  • You won’t know why you’re feeling that way until you face it.

You might be asking, “But how can I face it?” 

The truth is, clarity comes by doing, not by thinking it through. 

Meaning: You won’t know that you’re facing it until you actually do the things you don’t want to do.

This realization took me quite a few years to learn (still learning), but it’s crucial. 

Let’s say, for example, you want to create a digital business, yet you’d rather binge your favorite series on Netflix than actually post one piece of content on the internet. 

The problem is not Netflix or you watching your favorite show. 

The problem is: you are not committing to your dreams. 

Most people focus on the wrong things. 

And honestly, I was too.

A couple of years ago, I stopped my Netflix subscription, thinking it was going to solve my problems. 

One year later? I posted around 20 posts thinking I was going to go viral and magically become an “influencer.” 

I failed, miserably. 


Because I was unconscious that bingeing Netflix was the symptom, not the root cause. 

That experience broke my heart, yet made me conscious.

Not only did I realize that Netflix wasn’t the issue, but that short experience opened Pandora’s Box: 

  • Your closest friends will speak to you in private but not support you or your dreams.
  • Your family members will make fun of you.
  • Your nervous system will go into flight mode.
  • You’ll go into the spiral of the ego, the shame.

Although it was a failed experience, I knew that’s exactly what I needed in order to heal.

A few months later,

I launched Conscious Mind Vision. 

This time, I had ONE single goal in mind: 

1 Show up daily for a year. (And then improve.)

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.– Lao Tzu

Tip: Once you start, block everyone you know.

2) Train Your Mind’s Eye to See the Good

Every situation has multiple sides to its truth. 

The more you’re able to see it from different lenses, the more you’re conscious, and the higher you rise. 

If you are sensitive to energies, you might move more with your feelings than logic.

Those feelings come from the perception of your reality.

For example: if I chose to keep being heartbroken over my failed “influencer” experience, and not see the lesson behind it, I wouldn’t be speaking to you right now. 

It was what I chose to see and believe after doing that experience.

The reality is life is full of experiences.

 We’re all free to choose the reality we’d like to experience. 

Then, with time and effort, we become the masters of that experience.

For example:

  • Steve Jobs chose innovation and technology.
  • Oprah Winfrey chose media and philanthropy.
  • Elon Musk chose space and electric cars.
  • Bernard Arnault chose fashion couture.
  • Lewis Hamilton chose racing cars.
  • J.K. Rowling chose writing.

These people are icons in their industry, yet they started from the bottom. 

They started with a vision in their hearts.

Do you remember when Elon Musk was crying and heartbroken about the lack of support from Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan, the first and last men who walked on the moon? 

  • He chose to believe in his dreams anyway.
  • He chose to see the light in those situations.

And it paid off.

So, whatever industry you choose to be in, train your mind to see the good in everything.

3)  Upgrade Your Frequency

If you are sensitive to energies, your awareness of them makes you ahead of everyone else. 

It’s a blessing, of course, if you know how to use it.

Since you feel and pick up on energies, you have the ability to sense the shifts:

  • Market shifts,
  • creative shifts,
  • or trend shifts

which puts you at an advantage to innovate.

Your sensitivity makes you a radio antenna. 

The question is, would you trust what you’re picking up on?

Back in November of 2023, I had a new feeling. 

I wanted to shift the way I deliver my messages. 

The visuals I was posting weren’t working anymore. It felt off.

 So I prayed, meditated..

Then a few days later, I saw a cool video of the Universe. 

I immediately felt the pull. 

I decided to give it a go. 

What did I have to lose? Nothing.

I had 1,723 followers and no one knew who I was. (I thanked myself for blocking everyone I knew.) 

I told myself, “They’ll love the new content.”

So I started posting new reels with Universal Backgrounds. 

A few tweaks here and there, and a couple of days later, the famous “…” – The Universe was born.

The detailed story of “…” – The Universe would be in another letter. 

But the moral of the story is: Once the feeling hits you, follow it.

  • It’s how you innovate.
  • It’s how you inspire others.
  • It’s your frequency upgrade.

Your sensitivity is the portal, but you won’t know that you’ve crossed until you find yourself already there. 

That’s why you have to trust, try, fail, repeat, and keep following it.

” A Change of feeling is a change in destiny ” – Neville Goddard 

Conclusion: Your Sensitivity is your Antenna

Imagine your sensitivity as a radio:

  • If it’s not set up, it’ll be static (Radio not tuned in).
  • If it’s set up on a channel you don’t like, you’ll get the news about things you don’t like.

What if you’re conscious of what you’re tuning into?

You’re like: “Okay, let’s tune into Frequency 777: Creating a digital business.” 

So now you start consuming content about that subject.

  • Your feed changes.
  • Your preferences change.
  • Your whole reality changes.

Tip: If you want to know which frequency you’re on, open Instagram and check your home and explore page. 

You won’t realize how big this is until you see your friends’ and family’s feed. 

It’s a whole different reality you’re experiencing. 

Just make sure you are conscious of yours.

  • Where you are directing your thoughts.
  • What are you feeding your feelings.

Either way: Make sure you’re leveraging your time to building your vision. 

Brick by brick.

One day, at a time. 

Remember that your first move matter, even if it’s not perfect. 

  • Samsung started as a grocery trading store.
  • Lamborghini started as a tractor manufacturer.
  • Colgate started as a soap and candle business.

If you started, you’re already winning. 

Hope you liked this one. Feel free to reply and share your thoughts or feedback.

Until next week,
