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Have you ever thought about where this belief of “ finding your purpose” is coming from?

Well, if you’re not alone. 

I always thought that someday, somehow I would stumble across it. I told myself:

  • Maybe if you just sit with yourself and soul search you’d find it.
  • Maybe if you travel and see the world, you’ll find it.
  • Maybe if you take a crazy trip, then you’ll find it,

The truth is, I realized purpose is not something to find, but the very essence effect of our beliefs and why we do the things that we do

It’s the act of belief that makes you create the things that bring you closer to purpose:

  • Creating adventures to take
  • Creating time to soul-search
  • Creating a new reality on socials.

The moment you start believing in yourself to create it, the moment you start shifting your state of mind.

  • Like the healer isn’t the one healing you.
  • The healer sets the frequency of the healed state.
  • But It’s your faith in yourself that heals you.

The same thing for your purpose, you believe that your purpose is going to make you find meaning, as if by finding it your life is going to change. 

But the thing is it’s about becoming what you want in life, it’s about the journey of creating the reality you desire. 

And on that journey, you feel more connected to your life’s purpose.

However, the quest for purpose is a deeply personal journey that involves belief, introspection, and self-discovery.

In this Letter we will explore the reasons behind the struggle to find purpose, providing insights and practical steps to guide you toward clarity.

1) Overview

The search for purpose is a universal human experience. Many people feel lost because they:

  • Expect a clear, predefined path.
  • Rely heavily on external validation.

Understanding these aspects can help you reframe your approach and start seeing your true purpose for what it is.

By becoming a creator and expressing yourself, you explore more and more of who you are and what your purpose is.

2- Reasons Why It’s Hard To ‘Find’ Your Purpose:

Let’s break down the reasons why finding your purpose can be so challenging:

Expectation of Clarity: Many of you expect their purpose to be a clear and specific calling. The truth is, purpose is often revealed gradually, through experiences and growth.

Example: Steve Jobs didn’t start with a clear vision of Apple. His purpose evolved through trial, error, and persistence.

• External Validation: Since society often measures success by external achievements, your focus on this stuff can cripple you from truly going for your true and heart-felt desires.

Quote: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life… the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.” – Steve Jobs

Overwhelming Choices: In today’s world, there are countless paths to choose from, which can lead to decision paralysis.

Data: According to a study by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, more choices can lead to increased anxiety and decreased satisfaction.


Fear of Failure: Many of us think that we have a fear of failure and fear of making the wrong choices, but the reality is that we fear success.

This makes us paralyzed because purpose involves taking risks and embracing failures as learning opportunities.

Research: A study from Stanford University found that people who embrace failure as a part of their journey are more likely to find their true calling.

3- Practical Steps That Bring You Closer To Your Purpose:

Now if you resonated with one of the previous points,  and navigating one of these challenges, consider these 4 actionable steps:

1) Self-reflection:

Take time to know your ‘natural’ strengths. Why? because your purpose is connected to what makes you feel good naturally.

Write down on a piece of paper everything that comes up, even if you’re not a master at it.

For example: if you love creating designs like posts, websites..etc you probably wouldn’t be very inclined to do coding and programming.

2) Experimentation:

Try new things and step out of your comfort zone. The more you push outside of your limiting beliefs and experience, the more you discover what truly resonates with you.

Tip: Take up different projects in your areas of interest. The more you explore, the closer you get to ‘finding’ your purpose.

3) Creating Value:

Focus on activities that add value to others’ lives. When you make a positive impact, you often find deeper meaning and satisfaction in your work.

Purpose often lies in the service of others.

Insight: Think about how your skills can solve problems or bring joy to others. Create a masterclass, write a blog, create content online..etc

4) Continuous Learning:

Personal development is an ongoing journey that brings you closer to your true purpose. The more you believe in your abilities and create the reality you desire, the more you grow on a soul level.

Action: Read books, take courses, and seek mentorship. The more knowledge and experience you gain, the clearer your path becomes.

By incorporating these steps into your daily life, you’ll steadily move closer to living a life full of purpose and fulfillment.

Remember to be patient with yourself.

Common Misconceptions About Purpose:

Let’s debunk some common myths about finding your purpose:

  • Myth: Your purpose is a single, lifelong mission.
  • Truth: Purpose can evolve as you grow and change.
  • Myth: Purpose is about grand achievements.
  • Truth: It often lies in small, meaningful actions and contributions.

  • Myth: You can find your purpose overnight.
  • Truth: It’s a gradual process that requires patience and persistence.

  • Myth:  Only those who found their purpose are successful creators.
  • Truth: Successful creators have a strong ‘why’ and are finding their purpose through the act of creation itself.

Manifestation, Purpose, and Self-belief:

Manifestating realities isn’t just about wishing for things; It’s about believing that you deserve them and that they are already present in a parallel universe.

Here’s how self-belief ties into manifestation and purpose:

  • Your self-belief sets the frequency you operate from High self-belief usually means doing the scary things that lead you to high vibrations ( Attracting experiences)
  • Self-belief makes you focused: When you believe in your goals and a higher version of yourself, your energy becomes more potent and purposeful.
  • Your self-belief makes you action-oriented: When you believe you can achieve something, you’re more likely to go ahead and take the steps needed.

The more you believe in yourself, the more you shift your reality:

  • You’re not in the energy of just “waiting” anymore.
  • You realize no one is coming to save you except your next version.
  • You understand that you don’t ‘find’ your purpose, you create it.

Until Next Week,
