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It’s hard to believe, but today marks 1 year since the creation of this community.

From our very first post to now having a thriving community of 350,000 beautiful souls on Instagram, the growth and connection we’ve experienced are beyond my wildest dreams.

Fun fact: I launched this brand page on 7/7 in the year of the 7 ( 2+0+2+3) It may seem woo-woo, but it was just an intuitive feeling.

I thought maybe if I matched some universal synchronicities, this could turn into my lucky star.

As the song says: “Lucky Number Seven, she come from heaven” -Mello Will.

Here is a sneak peak of the first story + post: Image item

With that said, I want to take a moment to celebrate this milestone with you and share 7 invaluable lessons I’ve learned along the way.

1) True Growth Takes Time and Consistency:

When I first started this page, I was scared but I had a big vision, and to be honest I was full of excitement.

I told myself in those exact words: “I’m going to give it 3 months and see if I’m able to manifest +150K followers” I did the 369 method for 30 days.

I posted 2-3 times a day. I spent hours engaging.

I meditated daily. But none of that worked.

The first 3 months? I was 149K short.

Back in November, that’s when I decided to change my content and open myself to new experiences.

It wasn’t about the numbers, nor the aesthetics, it was about me experimenting.

December is the first Viral Reel ( The Universe Quote) It took 5 months…

then suddenly everything happened. Image item

  • Lesson #1: Set intentions, but be flexible with the outcomes.
  • Lesson #2: Growth happens behind the scenes before it’s visible to others.

2) Don’t be scared to make mistakes, that’s how you learn.

I can’t remember how many mistakes I’ve made in the past year.

The last one? Literally this week.

So on Wednesday I did a quick check on the newsletter subscribers and was surprised that no one had subscribed for the past 2 days.

Then, I remembered. I transferred my domain to a new host on Monday. OMG.

  • My branded email stopped working.
  • My newsletter link stopped working.
  • And on top of that, there was an issue with the new records.

It was a nightmare, but at least now I know how to do better.

Lesson: PS: If anyone contacted me in the past 7 days or replied to the last letter, please resend your emails.

  • Lesson #1: Missteps are simply the tuition you pay for success.
  • Lesson #2: Unexpected changes are just hidden learning opportunities.

3) Difficult Circumstances are opportunities for exponential growth:

In early December 2023, life threw me an unexpected curveball.

I got into a motorcycle accident which left me bedridden for 30 days.

I had 2 choices: Either continue posting or give up.

Part of me knew that This accident was just a result of my subconscious nonsense that was going to liberate me.

So I took my heart up my sleeves and decided to “just post whatever my heart said yes to” Although I had one hand working, that hand was enough to create my first viral video!!! (aka -The Universe)

Was I scared about changing content? Yes but not really – I just escaped real death.

Was I thinking about what my 1500 followers might say? Yes but not really – I was in pain.

My whole perception changed after that.

I ditched my old ways of thinking.

And that was liberating.

It led to the creation of the original “ The Universe Series”, which has become a beacon of light to thousands of seekers.

  • Lesson #1: Sometimes, the most significant growth comes from the most challenging times.
  • Lesson #2: Use every situation, good or bad, as an opportunity to create something meaningful.

Image item

4) If you’re original, expect to be copied.

From January ( 10K followers) to February (100K followers), “..” -The Universe Series went so viral that everyone started copying it.

I didn’t know what to think of it.

Then I realized that In the digital space, there are 2 types of people.

The innovators and the imitators.

The Imitators are the ones who just copy-paste the same exact text, series, and visuals and slap it on their page with no credit due.

The innovators on the other hand are students, they get inspired by others, analyze their best work, and then re-create it in their own style.

  • The first type is doing it for the ego boost, the views.
  • The second type is doing it for creativity and expression.

Once you become an innovator, expect to be copied.

And rather than feeling threatened, see it as a sign of influence.

Nobody can take what’s meant for you.

Lesson #1: What’s meant for you will never leave you.

Lesson 2: ‘ If you want to be original, Be ready to be copied” – Coco Channel.

5) Focus on Your Own Priorities and Commitments:

Everyone thought it was crazy that I still haven’t sold anything on this page, yet.

The truth is, I had other priorities to fulfill.

Although the options were abundant: MRR, affiliate, Shoutouts..and so much more, I just couldn’t offer my community anything, for the sake of $$$.

None of those spoke to my heart.

The past year, I had different goals.

By focusing on my own goals rather than what others projected onto me, I learned invaluable skills and stayed true to my vision.

Year 1 is just the beginning.

There is so much more to come. ( wink)

  • Lesson#1: Your path doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.
  • Lesson #2: Commitment is how you honor staying true to yourself.

6) Build Genuine Connections,

it’s called Social* Media for a reason: One of the values I have as a creator is to always keep in mind that the people on social media are actually human beings.

I always valued those creators who replied to their comments.

honestly, I did not like those big pages that never replied to or even liked.

So I decided to be different.

I mean, what’s the point of social media if you’re not social?

Of course having boundaries is important in socials, but I realized that:

Engaging with other creators builds connections.

Replying to your comments builds trust.

And those 2 might sound underrated, but they are way more important than you might think.

They are one of the make or breaks of building a genuine community.

  • Lesson #1: Engage authentically—real connections stem from real interactions.
  • Lesson #2: Boundaries are essential, but they should empower, not inhibit, social interaction.

7) Create Long-Form Content as Early as You Can:

One of the mistakes I made was launching this newsletter a bit late ( Back in May)

However, I believe everything happens for a reason, and launching when I did was meant to be.

You know the saying “ Better late than never..” haven’t felt the need for it until I launched it and read your replies.

That’s when this realization came in; long-form content is such a game changer.

You give your thoughts a place to be.

You share more in-depth value.

You build genuine connections.

It’s a beautiful place to connect with your people.

  • Lesson #1: Timing may never seem perfect. Start now, and refine as you go.
  • Lesson #2: Long-form content serves as a powerful medium for expressing your authentic self and the unique energy you bring to your community, creating a better experience.


Thank you for being part of this journey and for believing in this brand.

Your support, engagement, and positivity fuel our community’s growth and inspire me every day.

Cheers to another year of growth, inspiration, and co-creation with the Universe.

Until Next Week.


P.S. I’d love to hear from you! What’s been your favorite lesson from our community this past year? Feel Free to reply to this Email.