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If you think about manifestation, what would you say? 

  1. I don’t believe it’s a true thing. 
  2. I believe I can, still no big results. 
  3. I’ve cracked its code. 

If you’re reading this, I’d guess B is what resonated with you most. 

I know this because I personally struggled to get from B to C for the past 3 years. 

You might be thinking that big results means money, 

but it’s not always the case. 

Imagine you make 5 figures/ month yet you feel miserable? 

Would you still want to manifest that money? 

This was my reality from 2020-2022: 

  • Had an ecommerce shop.
  • Working 12-16 hours a day
  • Profit margins around 15-20% 
  • 2-4 h/day mentoring other students.
  • Managing ads, logistics, customer service, fulfillment…etc 

In other words, no life. 

It led me to realise that making money isn’t really “manifesting money”. 


Because manifestation is about alignment. 

Alignment with your soul, purpose, vision and the universe. 

You can make all the money you like, but if it’s coming from misalignment, you’re going to feel the disconnect.. it’s dense, it’s the void. 

With that said, I had to do this ONE thing: 

Shift my identity. 

Now the process of identity shift is simple. 

It consists of 4 main steps – Inspired from David Bayer, one of the leading 

Step 1: Define Your Future Vision

The first step in identity shifting is to gain absolute clarity on what you want your future to look like.

Picture yourself living the life you’ve always dreamed of—whether it’s financial abundance, vibrant health, a fulfilling relationship, or professional success. 

Write down your goals and dreams in detail. 

This step is about creating a vivid picture of your desired future.

  • Create a detailed vision: Outline what your dream life looks like in various aspects—career, health, relationships, and personal growth.
  • Use vivid imagery: Imagine the specifics—where you live, the kind of work you do, the people you surround yourself with, and how you feel every day.

Step 2: Identify Your Future Self

Next, ask yourself, who do you need to become to achieve this vision? 

This involves identifying the traits, behaviors, and mindset of your future self. 

What qualities does this version of you embody? How do they think, feel, and act?

  • Name your future self: Give this version of you a name that resonates with their qualities (e.g., “Confident Chris,” “Peaceful Patty”).
  • List the attributes: Write down the thoughts, emotions, and actions that define this future self.

Step 3: Audit Your Current Self

Now, take an honest look at your current self. 

Identify the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding you back. 

This step requires you to be introspective and recognize the habits and beliefs that do not serve your higher purpose.

  • Create a three-column list:
    • Column 1: Your future goals and dreams.
    • Column 2: The thoughts, feelings, and actions of your future self.
    • Column 3: Your current limiting beliefs and behaviours.

Step 4: Practise Being Your Future Self Now

The final step is a daily practice of embodying your future self in the present moment. 

This means consistently acting, thinking, and feeling like the person who has already achieved your dreams.

  • In every situation, ask yourself how your future self would respond and strive to act accordingly.
  • Reflect on your actions and adjust them to align more closely with your future self.

Conclusion: The Power of Identity Shifting 

By following these four steps, you can start to collapse the gap between where you are and where you want to be. 

Here’s a quick recap:

  1. Define Your Future Vision: Write down your dreams and goals.
  2. Identify Your Future Self: Describe the traits and behaviors of this version of you.
  3. Audit Your Current Self: Recognize your limiting beliefs and behaviors.
  4. Practice Daily: Consistently embody your future self in the present moment.

This practice is timely important as today we’re having a major Full Moon in Capricorn, that’s pushing us towards letting go of past cycles and jumping into new realities. 

This is it for this week. 

See You Next Sunday. 


PS: If you enjoyed this week’s letter, please share it with a friend who might benefit from this powerful practice. Happy Full Moon.