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What if I told you that your words could shape your reality? 

Sounds mystical, right? 

But there’s ancient wisdom backing this up.

Think about the power of words in ancient Egyptian culture.

They believed in the concept of “Ma’at,” a divine order upheld by truth and harmony. 

Words, spoken with intention, were seen as a tool to align with this order and manifest desired outcomes.

 If you’re reading this, you might be curious about how this ancient belief intersects with modern understanding.

Imagine the Throat Chakra, the energy center associated with communication and expression. When balanced:

  • it empowers you to speak your truth,
  • It gives you purpose to express.
  • It gives you clarity to write.

The Throat is not just about talking, it’s the bridge between the unseen world ( thoughts) to the seen ( spoken words)

Now Imagine how many thoughts, ideas, epiphanies cross your mind daily, yet maybe 1% of them are expressed into physical reality. 

Thousands of them right? 

What if just 1 of them is worth millions if you just aligned and regulated your throat to be in its full divine expression ? 

In this letter, we’re going to discover 3 components that influence the words that shapes our realities.

Intention: The Heart of Your Words

First, intention

What we say carries the weight of our intentions. 

When you speak with purpose: 

  • your words resonate more deeply,
  • They create ripples that affect you and others. 
  • You utilise your conscious mind to choose what and how you say it. 

While speaking hollow words: 

  • People don’t even hear you. 
  • Others only reply back just to reply. 
  • The conversation becomes a battle of ego. 

This is why most often, silence is better than saying something. 

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” – Plato

Belief: The Conviction Behind Your Words

Second, belief

The conviction behind our words determines their power. 

If you genuinely believe in what you’re saying, your words will carry a magnetic force that can attract opportunities and manifest your desires. 

Belief is the fuel that powers your intentions.

However, beliefs are not always based on truth. 

They are stored in your subconscious mind, and they can make or break you. 

Like hearing someone who believes the world is full of problems, will give you 1000 reasons how and why you can never become a better version of yourself in this world. 

  • Like you were born in a poor neighbourhood.
  • Or like how the only way to survive is to become like everyone else. 

This person has a skewed reality in his mind, therefore unconsciously manifesting more problems by his mere words. 

And as a result, this person’s conviction gets more solidly negative.

So, being mindful and conscious of what you project into this world has a big impact. 

People respond to the energy of your belief, and the universe does too. 

When your belief is strongly positive, your words become a beacon that draws the right people, situations, and resources into your life. 

Therefore, shifting your reality into those positive experiences. 

Consistency: Moulding Reality Through Repetition

Third, consistency

Through the repetitive use of positive and intentional word, we reinforce and strengthen the manifestation of our thoughts into reality. 

This persistent practice helps to:

  • Reprogram old beliefs that no longer serve us, 
  • Empowering beliefs and realities to take root. 
  • Pave the way for different experiences.

The more consistently you speak with intention and belief, the more you train yourself (and the universe) to manifest your desires.

So  consistency of how and what to speak helps to:

  • Shift your focus from negative to positive expressions.
  • Transform your thoughts into tangible outcomes.
  • Reinforce your beliefs through repeated words.

This practice makes you align fully with your Throat Chakra, which in turn affects your entire being and shapes the connection between the 2 worlds ( seen and unseen) 

Conclusion: Speak consciously. 

As we come to the end of this letter, let’s revisit the power of our words; 

The ancients knew it, and now, you do too. 

By aligning your Throat Chakra with your intentions, beliefs, and consistent practice, you bridge the gap between thought and reality.

Remember, every word is a seed. 

Plant them wisely, nurture them with belief, and consistently rewire them. 

Speak your truth. 

Believe in your words. 

Be consistent. 

And watch your reality transform.

See you next week. 
