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The other day, as I was scrolling through my feed, I got upset.

It just seems that everyone is “awakened” nowadays

  • They’re either awake.
  • A master manifestor.
  • Or maybe in complete denial..

The thing is I am not against those things, yet what’s upsetting is the false information they’re unconsciously ( or consciously) spreading.

  • They slap the all-seeing eye in their visuals.
  • They tell you that they see otherworldly stuff.
  • They make some money online, then suddenly they’re teaching you about money manifestation.

Yet, if you dig deeper into the essence of the message, what do you find?

  • A human robot repeating other people’s words
  • An AI-written caption with no authenticity.
  • Dressing up clichés as spiritual wisdom

→ “We’re all ONE.”

I hate to break it to you, but we are NOT.

→ “You are the universe.”

Do you even know what a universe is?

→ “Say Those affirmations and you’ll manifest your desires.”


  • It’s like a new matrix has been formed.
  • Inflating your ego with new-age information,
  • Then, as usual, leaving you hanging in the rabbit hole.

Now, you might be asking… But Ons, aren’t you writing as if you are the universe?

Yes, I am.

Although I deeply believe that true wisdom is ONLY seen by the eyes of those who understand, I am claiming to be just writing from my finite ( maybe, just maybe: infinite) HUMAN mind.

The Difference Between Finite and Infinite Mind

A finite mind, like ours, sees the world through a narrow lens.

It is bound by:

  • Time.
  • Space.
  • and the limitations of our senses.

You perceive reality in just bits and pieces of the whole.

  • Do you see atoms? No
  • Do you see vibrations? No
  • Do you see the ALL truth? I doubt it.

The finite mind is like looking through a keyhole,

You see just a glimpse of what the other side looks like, yet you’ll never fully understand or comprehend it.

The infinite on the other hand is not confined by these limits

  • It does not abide by the laws.
  • It does not follow the same principles.
  • It sees the entirety of existence and its interconnectedness.

So how could the finite and the infinite mind be ONE and the same?

When people say, “We’re all one” or “You are the universe,” they’re parroting ideas from an infinite perspective while still living from their finite one.

It’s like trying to explain the ocean when all you’ve ever seen is a drop of water.

Sure, you can talk about it, you can even believe it.

but do you truly understand it? I doubt it.

That’s the matrix we’ve fallen into.

The Old vs. the New Matrix

A matrix is:

  • a system of beliefs
  • a framework of programs
  • a grid of paths to follow.

that dictates how things operate.

Reality = Matrix.

Whatever reality you’re operating from, you’re always going to be in some sort of Matrix.

Even those “nomads” that “escaped The Matrix” didn’t take long for them to realize that they didn’t really escape it, just found a new one.

Now The old Matrix is :

  • Get a degree
  • Find a stable job
  • Retire and enjoy life.

While In this decade a new Matrix is forming:

one that’s subtle, seductive, and pervasive.

Unlike the old matrix of societal norms and expectations, this new one feeds off the illusion of awakening.

It tells you that :

  • you’ve ascended,
  • that you’re different,
  • you’re special, even divine.

But in reality, it’s just enabling you to be in this “fantasy” reality, but no real change is done.

it’s just another set of chains.

This matrix doesn’t confine you to traditional rules,

But it seduces you with the promise of freedom, all the while keeping you locked in a cycle of shallow spiritualism.

The truth is, it’s important for you to:

  • feel down so you can rise up.
  • feel “broken” so you know how to feel “whole”.
  • Feel that you are nothing, so you can be everything to yourself.

However, this spiritual matrix “ all love and light” is just trapping us.

So, what’s the way out? How do you break free From This Matrix?

Start by questioning everything:

  • Don’t take anything at face value ( even my own words)
  • Know that Every truth you see is always a half-truth.
  • Take everything with a pinch of salt and stay rooted in your own.

Ask yourself:

What’s the Matrix I would love to live in?

Create your own Matrix, consciously.

Then align with it. 

“But, How Can I Create My Own Matrix?”

To explain it to you in the most simple way, 

I’ve created The Visionary Matrix below.

( Remember your maths class in high school?)

Since Matrix = Reality.

The Matrix here are set of numbers,

Let’s suppose that each number is either:

  • Your habits
  • Your beliefs
  • Your systems.
  • Your Routines

Matrix A = Current Reality

  • Your everyday reality.
  • Includes routines, beliefs, and behaviors.
  • Who you are at this very moment.

Matrix B = Anti-Vision Reality

  • What’s not serving you
  • Negative habits and beliefs.
  • Who you don’t want to become.

Once you remove Matrix B, you get Matrix C

Now Matrix C is what I call The purified Reality

It’s that time where :

  • You’re most probably isolated
  • You’re Detoxifying your life,
  • You’re clearing old habits.

While doing so, Matrix D comes into Play.

Matrix D = The New Vision Reality 

and it is about adding:

  • The beliefs that keep you upgrading.
  • The new habits that sustain your goals
  • The Routines that support the next version

Add Matrix C to Matrix D, you get Matrix E.

With that said, those matrices overlap and you self-actualize yourself into your 2.0 version of yourself.

and that my friend how you manifest your dream reality. 

See you Next Week.


PS: The New moon is coming up tomorrow, so it’s the perfect time to dissect your current Matrix and plan to apply this Visionary Matrix into your life.