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When I was kid, my cousin and I used to play by throwing stones into the waters, and then counting how many times we could get it to skip across the surface.

And if you’re anything like us, you know it’s not just luck:

There’s a certain technique to it:

  • How do you hold the stone,
  • The way you move your arm,
  • The force behind the throw.

But it’s not only about the technique:

The shape and weight of the stone matter, too.

Yet, even when you know all this, getting that perfect toss rarely happens on the first try, does it?

Well, the same goes for life.

The ripples you see are shaped by everything you do.

Every decision, big or small, sets something in motion.

But here’s the thing: once you understand the connection between your actions and their effects, you can start to control the outcome.

That’s where the law of cause and effect comes in.

Let’s dive deeper.

Understanding the law of cause and Effect.

The law of cause and effect states that every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause.

( it’s also called the law of Karma)

Now with that said, we can conclude that everything that’s happening in your life currently has a cause to it. ( whether consciously or unconsciously).

So, if you want to have a specific event happen:

  • A certain “cause” should trigger the chain of energy.
  • You need to be aware of “what could cause it.”
  • Then, of course, you need to be willing to do it.

Like Dan Koe once said,

“If you don’t have ideas, read.

If you have ideas, but can’t articulate them, write.”

In this case, reading causes the effect of your writing.

Reading could cause you to write:

  • a blog
  • a post
  • a book

Then, by a chain of events, that blog, post, or book could be the cause of you becoming known, famous, or building your digital vision.

Once you’re conscious of this phenomenon, all it takes for you now is to “just do it.”

The problem is that 99% of the population is already.

  • Reading (Captions, subtitles, etc.)
  • Writing (DMs to their friends, chats, etc.)
  • Consuming (Media, TV, posts, etc.)

So why aren’t they getting the dream results they want?

In simple words, they are already getting the results of what they are doing.

  • If you read a post about how a celebrity is doing XYZ.
  • The effect could be you writing a DM to your bestie about it.
  • That DM is the cause of your 1-hour gossip with your bestie.

and this is why 99% of the population is still unconscious of how their actions are affecting their reality.

Consuming isn’t low-vibrational.

But producing gossip is.

Now let’s suppose this person is reading this letter, wanting to create a new reality through value creation:

You might want to start consuming topics about:

  • Mindset.
  • Branding.
  • Marketing.
  • Social Media.
  • Persuasive writing.
  • Emotional Regulation.
  • Then, about creating products.
  • Nurture and sales, etc.

This is why having a clear vision is important.

and that vision usually comes from:

  • Identifying the cause of your suffering.
  • Be willing to change that reality.
  • Pursue value creation.
  • Then “just do it.”

The Cause of Your Suffering

You might be wondering about all the excuses for why “you can’t just do it,” and I get that.

It’s not easy to do the things you know will help you become who you were meant to be.

But if you apply the law of cause and effect, and ask yourself “Why am I making these excuses?” you’ll find that:

  • You have been programmed to think, “It’s too hard” or “You cannot make it.”
  • You’re feeling low, foggy, or maybe heartbroken from past events.
  • or maybe you’re suppressing yourself because of your self-image.

Unfortunately, those paradigms are usually present because:

  • Your environment told you or made you believe that.
  • You’re still touching a past wound, not letting it heal.
  • Or maybe you’re running away from your potential.

And if you apply the law, your effect won’t ever change unless you change the cause.

This is why it feels like this:

  • You’re wasting your time.
  • You’re living in a loop.
  • You’re drifting in life.

This is where auditing your life comes into play.

The day you truly understand what’s keeping you stuck and are willing to change is the day you start saving yourself.

You’re the only one who’s coming to save yourself, so the day you decide to start changing is the day you start aligning.

The Conscious Audit

The conscious audit is a process of examining your habits, behaviors, and their outcomes to understand what’s shaping your life and how you can actively drive change.

Then, it’s about identifying the root causes of your daily experiences. (both positive and negative.)

  • What actions are driving your current reality?
  • What patterns are holding you back?

This is where you begin to realize that you are not just a passenger in your life, but the driver.

You might be asking, “Where do I even start?”

Start small.

Audit one area of your life at a time.

Maybe it’s your health, your relationships, or your mindset.

Break it down and ask yourself:

  • What habits here are causing the effect I’m living in right now?
  • What behaviors are creating the reality I’m experiencing?

For example, if you’ve been feeling low energy or constantly stressed, ask yourself: What choices am I making that lead to this outcome?

  • Maybe it’s the food you’re eating.
  • the people you are surrounding yourself with.
  • the sleep you’re neglecting.
  • Or just all the above.

These are all causes, and they are directly linked to the effects you’re living through.

This is the part of auditing your anti-vision reality, we’ve discussed this in our previous letter here ( Section: How Can I Create My Own Matrix → Matrix B) 

With that said, once you identify the cause, you gain the power to change the effect.

But given the same causes, the same results will follow. 

Letter’s Takeaway:

The Law of Cause and Effect is always at work.

  • Every choice you make,
  • every action you take,
  • sets a ripple in motion.

And the beauty of this law?

You can start creating ripples that bring you closer to the life you truly want.

So, ask yourself today:

  • What effect am I envisioning to create?

Then reverse-engineer the process by asking:

  • What cause can I set in motion right now to make it happen?

The audit isn’t just about you becoming conscious.

It’s about owning the fact that you have the power to shift your reality.

One small decision at a time.

See you next week.
