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Today’s letter is special. 

You’ve seen the headline, it’s a step-by-step guide to starting your digital reality and becoming a conscious creator. 

You’re here because you know you’re more than capable of creating something big and meaningful. 

Whether you’re starting new or growing further, I’m here to show that it’s possible and help you along the way. 

In this guide, you’ll :

  • Understand the importance of looking within.
  • Gain perspective of how manifestation and growth work.
  • Get practical tips and strategies as a beginner in 8 steps. 

Remember this isn’t just about steps. 

It’s about creating a digital presence that’s authentic and intentional, connected to your purpose as a creator of your reality. 

Without further a due, let’s dive in. 

Step 1)  Brand Mission Vision and Values:

As a Conscious Creator, there are 3 important pillars that guide your creative journey: 

Your Mission, Vision, and Values. 

Mission: It’s your big WHY.

It’s about defining why you’re creating the content you do. It’s about defining it and sticking to it, no matter the trends or the noise from the crowd. 

example  “ Helping 1000000 creators manifest their dream vision.” 

Vision: Where do you see yourself and your brand in the future? 

Visualize it.

This isn’t just about long-term goals, but also the impact you wish to leave behind.

Values: What are your non-negotiables?

These are the principles that dictate how you operate and interact in the digital space. 

Values are foundational to your business.

More of a trending concept is defining your  IKIGAI a Japanese concept which is translated to  ” the reason to be” .

So when these elements are aligned, not only do you create a deeper connection with your audience, but you also create a brand that is authentic and powerful. 

Take time to write those down. 

Step 2) Set Your Brand Profile Foundation:

There are 2 billion accounts on the internet. 

The digital world is exploding with new accounts. 

And people’s attention span is getting shorter. 

Since Attention is the new currency.

You have 2-5 seconds for someone to scan your page. 

Here is a breakdown of an Instagram profile scan:

  • Username
  • Profile Picture
  • Name
  • Bio

In that order.

• So if they like the vibe: Follow.

• If they don’t: Scroll away.

Here is how you can optimise your Brand page:

Username: Choose a username that is easy to remember and reflects your brand or personal identity. ( 1 to 3 main keywords)

Profile Picture: Use a high-quality image that represents you or your brand well. Consistency in visual branding helps build recognition.

Bio: Write a bio that clearly states who you are, what you do, and what value you offer. Include a call to action if applicable.

Tip: Keep your bio simple and compelling in 3 separate lines.

Step 3) Subconscious Programming 101

Once you’re going outside of your comfort zone, it’s no wonder that you’ll be faced with your deepest fears, resistance, and basically a dark illusion. 

This is the current program that’s installed in your subconscious mind.

Like an airplane, your subconscious mind is on autopilot. 

Whenever you get off course, it sends you a signal: “Hey, go back.”

What happens when an airplane doesn’t go back to course? 

Alarms start going louder. 

  • It wants you to go back to safety.
  • It sends you more signals to go back.
  • It wants you to stay on your “current” course.

It’s just an illusion of the mind.

The more you become conscious and push through that illusion, the easier it’ll get.

  • You start creating new habits.
  • You start creating new behaviors.
  • You start becoming a new person.

But, before that turning point, most people give up.


  • Because your mind is going to let you down.
  • Because you’ll see no evidence you’re on the right path, at first.
  • Because you’ll probably manifest something ‘bad’ so you can stop.

Your old program will cling to you like an obsessive ex.

 It’ll do anything to make you go back.

Since 90% of our actions are controlled by our subconscious mind’s program, the new changes can trigger your nervous system to go into 

Fight, flight, or freeze mode. 

  • This is why your persistence is your best asset.
  • This is why listening to your body is important.
  • This is why rest is also productive.

With that said, there are many ways to calm your nervous system and anchor your new behaviors:

  • Affirmations
  • EFT Tapping
  • Meditation.

And so much more..

The more you nurture yourself while taking action toward creation, the more you’ll anchor the new reality’s program.

Step 4) Choose Your Content Style

There are hundreds of posts styles you can choose from. 

Choose 1 style ( minimal, modern, colorful..etc) 

Are you more of a writer, designer, or more of a mixer? 

The content you like on daily might give you an idea of what you like. Start with what’s working. 

FYI: What you start with might not be what you end up with. 

And that’s the whole point of exploration.

Stay curious.

Know that you have a fair advantage: you’re a nobody online. 

So you might want to tap into your free spirit and focus on just creating and putting stuff out there for you to analyze and improve.

You can create anything, and change the style as much as you like. 

Nobody cares. 

And even if you think they do, it’s just the “spotlight” effect. 

You think everyone is looking at you, but everyone is just looking at themselves. 

So let go of the illusion, and seize the opportunity of your beginnings.

It’s only those who are willing to adapt and get stretched who succeed. 

The ones who can stretch:

  • Stretch their body
  • Stretch their mind

Moral: Try, fail, and create again. 

  • If the quotes aren’t working, create something else.
  • If the mini visuals aren’t working, create something else.
  • If the talking reels aren’t working, create something else.

But make sure you try 100 times before you completely change the content.

PS: Highly recommend starting with a Brand (Theme) page first.


  • Because you’ll learn new skills more freely.
  • Explore what’s aligning with you and what not.
  • You don’t have to show your face.
  • If you build one, you can build 10.

And you’ll have more skills and stories to start a personal brand down the line.  ( This is my personal opinion) 

Like Alex Hormozi says: “Think in decades.”

So Follow Your vision. 

Step 5) Stack Skills (Learn, learn and learn)

To become a successful creator, you need skills. 

  • Design is a skill.
  • Discipline is a skill.
  • Social Media is a skill.
  • Digital Marketing is a skill.

But first, look for the skills you have already. 

Find what can be improved. 

And combine it with a new one.

For example: Let’s say you know how to write but you never posted online.

 If you’re good at writing: Learn writing psychology + Social Media. 

If you’re good at Videos: Learn Social Media + Human Watch Behavior.

The best way to learn is to post. 

The second best way is to analyze. 

Don’t post and analyze at the same time.

To have a successful page you’d have to learn multiple skills : 

First, you start with ONE. 

Then once your subconscious has anchored that in, you start learning a new one. 

If you’ve never done social media + never sold anything before. Don’t try to do those at the same time when you start. 

Be patient with yourself. 

Also, If you’re looking to expand your social media skills, the best advice is to focus on ONE platform first. 

  • Focus on one platform that suits your content style best.
  • Go full vertical scale. (Build an audience only on one platform.)
  • Then scale horizontally. (Expand to other platforms by leveraging your current audience.)

PS: Don’t forget to create a newsletter the minute you start getting traction and building an audience. (This is one of my mistakes, I haven’t done it earlier.)

Step 6) Connect Your Content to Your Soul’s Style

The past 4 years (in my free time), I’ve been on a mission to “spiritual enlightenment.”

 I studied a little bit of :

  • Astrology,
  • Numerology,
  • Reiki (and got a degree),
  • and now Human Design.

With that said, I know a little bit of everything. 

You know, the Jack of all trades. 

Master of none?

On that little mission of mine, I’ve discovered how much everything really connects. 

And like they say “There is no such thing as coincidence.” 

The Universe is too intelligent for that type of creation.

The year, month, day, hour, and even minute you were born are all connected to your purpose. It gives you a direction to who you are, on a soul level. 

And the cool thing is that nobody has the same soul blueprint as you.

In Astrology, there are different planets and houses. 

Each house and planet has a purpose. 

The house of relationships, the house of self, the house of career, etc.

Since we’re speaking of vision, business, and career, you might want to look at your 10th house. (And Midheaven)


Because it gives you an idea of what you have to do in order to thrive in your professional life. 

If you’re new to Astrology, here is what you can do:

  • Go to
  • Fill in the birth chart information.
  • Scroll down to your 10th house.
  • What’s the zodiac sign of that 10th house?

Whatever Zodiac sign you have in that 10th house, consider including its traits in your business.

Example: If you have Cancer, you might want to incorporate Cancerian vibes into your business. 

  • Cancer is one of the most nurturing signs of the zodiac.
  • Cancer is ruled by the moon, the mother of oceans and flow.
  • Cancer thrives in the sense of “family” and community.

So connect your content to it. 

You’ll thrive naturally.

(There is more to the soul than just the 10th house, but that’s a starting point)

Step 7) Analyze, Shed the Old

You can’t improve if you don’t analyze.

Public opinion can serve as a reflection of your creation. ( not always true)

If you don’t take the time to check its performance, you might miss out on what’s important.

The most common mistake of Instagram pages is that they don’t double down on what really worked for them.

If I didn’t catch “…” – The Universe was something that can be explored, Conscious Mind Vision wouldn’t be at +300K followers.

Everyone has their own signature.

  • It could be a sentence.
  • It could be a structure.
  • It could be an intro clip.
  • It could be an avatar.
  • It could be a specific style.

It could be anything, really.

And you can only see it by analysis.

Moral: The moment you get your first viral post, forget everything else and double down on that.

It’s your way out of the cocoon.

In the meantime, if you haven’t got the one: You just haven’t found that jewel yet.

So create, and analyze to improve.

Here are 3 simple steps to analyze:

  • Block 1-2 hours a week for analysis.
  • Go to Instagram insights.
  • Grab the past 7/30 days’ metrics.
  • Go to each post of the week and note what you got.
  • Compare the data of each post to the post category.

Example: If your goal is new followers, focus on reels.

Since Instagram has brought back the follower count on each reel. You can analyze the follower count on each. 

Then when you’re analysing start asking yourself why those numbers fluctuate,

You’ll start understanding human behavior and what you did to facilitate that.

This exercise is for you to see what worked, and what didn’t work. 

Without it, you’re just shooting blindly.

Step 8) Increase Your Good Karma

If you’re into spirituality, you know the law of cause and effect. 

Or perhaps the saying: “You reap what you sow.” 

Although millions or even billions are aware of that sentence, only 2% of the population are awake to its weight. 

Only 2% of the population is creating their digital world.

You might think there are way more than 2% on the internet creating something, but that’s not true. 

98% of the population is consuming without giving or contributing to the raise of consciousness. 

  • They don’t create anything meaningful.
  • They don’t use their words to influence.
  • They’re just scrolling, numbing their life, or just trolling other people.

If you resonate with any of these, know that every creator you see online started from that state of unconsciousness. 

  • You’re not broke; you’re unconscious of your abundance.
  • You’re not anxious; you’re unconscious of your mental patterns.
  • You’re not low-vibing; you’re unconscious to your life force energy.

What’s life force energy? 

Some people call it “Chi” or “Kundalini.” 

In simple words, that’s the force that gives you the energy to write, give, create, and birth new ideas into life.

It’s an energy giver. 

( It also makes you productive)

And since everyone wants to be near givers, you’ll start attracting from the inside out. 


By creating, sharing, and expressing yourself.

And this builds up your Good Karma. 

The more you build your “good karma,” not only will you attract your tribe, but the Universe has to balance the scales. 

Therefore ‘You reap what you sow.’

  • Your actions matter.
  • Your words matter.

The time to plant the seed is now. 

  • Start building your digital reality.
  • Become a conscious creator.
  • Become part of the 2%.
  • Follow the vision.

And the rest will naturally flow back to you.

Hope you liked this one.

Until next week,
