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You might think of manifestation as a mystical process reserved only for the spiritually enlightened,

or those who discovered some secret magic trick to make things happen.

Yet the reality of it is: that it is neither.

The Laws of the universe are there for a reason, they work.

Yet if you ask the average person who truly wants to change their life, they’ll either tell you about the Law of attraction ( which is overrated) or maybe speak about Karma, which is the law of cause and effect.

The reality of it is humans are emotional beings, not logical.

They either care about peace, love, and light ( LaLa land) Or about making others feel their pain and wishing for payback ( Karma).

If not mindful, these states of being can either make you become a master of avoidance or the martyr against yourself.

Both of which fulfill an emotional void.

The good side of that void is that you can use it as your source of inspiration to grow, to become a conscious creator of your reality, to express your truth, and especially to be of service to others.

That’s one of the reasons that inspired my journey to create the page ( 300K followers was too far of a dream).

And if you’re resonating with what I am sharing: I am here to tell you that you too can turn your pain into power.


It’s through consistent conscious actions.

What is Conscious Creation?

Conscious creation is the product of intentionality and strategy to shape your reality.

Use your conscious mind to direct the flow of energy towards specific inputs, so you can get specific outputs.

Get specific about the desired outcome = Output

  • Use your conscious mind to direct your thoughts flow
  • Use your Subconscious mind to connect with a positive feeling.
  • Use your body to create a flow of energy with your actions = Input

Result? Conscious Creation.

This doesn’t happen by chance.

Like a Gardner who knows just where to plant each seed and how much to water them, conscious creation is the same process of nurturing your heart’s desires to see them come to full fruition.

“I Want to Create a New Reality; Where To Start?”

Before you manifest anything, you have to combine your emotional needs with some logic:

1. Be very clear about the ONE skill you’d have to learn to get you ONE step further to your Big Goal 

High income skills: 

  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Copywriting
  • Sales
  • …etc

Without clarity, your energy is dispersed all over the place.

With clarity, your energy is focused & potent.

2. Apply Manifestation techniques to speed up the reality shift.

Here are the 5 main points to help you speed up your manifestation: 

1) Tune Into Your New Reality’s Vibrational Frequency

Everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, and like attracts like. ( Law of attraction)

To manifest any new reality, your inner vibration needs to align with the vibration of what you wish to attract ( and become).

This is where many get stuck.

They wish for happiness, success, love, but their daily vibrations (thoughts, beliefs, and emotions) are out of sync with these desires.

Or they think it, with no inspired action. ( body Misalignment)

Creating a vision or a plan of action is needed to shift your current reality to your new one.

So ask yourself:

  • If you were already in that desired reality, what would be your habits?
  • If you were already in that desired reality, how would you feel daily?
  • If you were already in that desired reality, what would your environment look like?

-> Set your intentions, direct your attention, and flow the energy towards it.

Note: Start small, do one thing at a time.

2) Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Here are the 5 key elements of Emotional Intelligence: 

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation,
  • Motivation,
  • Empathy,
  • & Social skills.

Imagine you’re creating a new reality on social media, yet getting triggered left and right without any idea on how to self-regulate your nervous system. 

Would you be able to tame that ego?  

Or, Imagine having zero motivation to even start posting and be of service to the world. 

How could you expect the universe to help you, if you can’t help yourself? 

Or maybe, If you get mocked, laughed at and called a loser for expressing your soul,

would you still give yourself and others empathy to continue no matter what? 

You get the point.

Unfortunately, this is where most people stop! 

  • They don’t feel good about the obstacles they are facing. 
  • They don’t know how to manage their emotions. 
  • Their hearts start retracting instead of expanding. 

So instead of being in a visionary mode, they turn into reptilian mode.

If you want to understand the art of manifestation, understanding and managing your emotions are major keys. 

Since every emotion emits a specific vibrational frequency, once you’re feeling fearful, doubtful or angry, those start sending signals to your body 

Although they are uncomfortable, they are definitely NOT signals to avoid or numb. 

Ok. but signals for what? 

These are signals for opportunities to realign with the desired frequency. 

You’ll need to face it, become aware, and regulate yourself.

3) Build up The Energy with Consistency

Manifesting isn’t a one-time shot; it’s all about building that momentum

If you’re communicating with the universe, you know for every cause there is an effect ( that’s the law of karma, but in a good way) 

  • See it as the compounding effect,
  • See it as the snowball effect,
  • See it as the butterfly effect,
  • See it as the domino effect.

You might not see it, at first. But then, BOOM.

All those actions make sense now. One action leads to another. 

Every thought, intention, and action you keep flowing consistently builds up a big ball of an outcome.

  • You start seeing the abundance,
  • You start seeing the followers,
  • You start seeing the sales.
  • This is why consistency is key.

So keep the flow focused on that creation. 

4)  Overcoming The Subconscious Blocks

When you’re in the midst of an identity shift, becoming conscious of your thoughts, actions, and energy, you’ll encounter many subconscious blocks.

But you’re not alone, we all encounter them.

Those blocks can be manifested as fear, doubt, anxiety, or even old unhealthy behavior coming back again.

It’s like being faced with your own demons.

Your shadow starts playing with you,

It wants you to blame, shame, and go back to the dark.

The worst part is that the more you listen to it, the more you see it.

Yet that shadow is not your enemy. It’s your guide to the next level up.

This is where Point #2 ( Emotional Intelligence) is very important.

As the subconscious (unconscious) mind is related to your emotions,

If you don’t know how to face and unlock them, you might get stuck in a loop.

A Loop where every year, you find yourself in the same spot:

  • Still wondering why things are happening the way they are.
  • Still getting hurt by the same old things,
  • Still blaming XY and Z,
  • Still avoiding it.

And that my friend, is called an OLD PROGRAM.

So here is what you need to do: You need to update your mind.

Face those feelings, understand their roots, and rewire the old with the new.

How ? Check last week’s letter, we covered the step-by-step process. 

 5) Your Environment is Your Mind’s Mirror

Have you seen the movie Limitless?

Here is a quick recap; Eddie Morra was struggling with chronic writer’s block, he was broke, his house was a mess and he couldn’t make it for a very long time.

He heard about this magical pill that can unlock the full capacity of his brain. 

He was skeptical at first, but then he decided to take it. 

Do you know what was the first thing that he did once the pill kicked in?

It wasn’t writing masterpieces. ( Which he did)

Or solving complex stock market strategies,

It was cleaning his cluttered house.

His high-speed brain processor knew that his environment significantly impacted his vibrational state and mental focus to plan and write, and that’s why he started there.

The decluttering served as a reset of his cognitive abilities, all of his actions became more targeted and impactful.

Now you might be thinking, ok Ons but my house is clean.

I’d say, the environment is not only about the physical clutter of the house:

  • It’s about the relationships you’re maintaining,
  • It’s about the media you’re consuming,
  • It’s about the food you’re putting in your body,

Are those in alignment with the desired reality you’re looking to manifest?

If not, it’s time to clean THE house. 

Conclusion: Your Manifestation Journey

The journey of manifestation is unique and personal.

It’s important to remind yourself that you have the power to create your reality.

Here is a simple recap:

  1. Create a clear environment.
  2. Decide on ONE high-income skill you’re going to learn
  3. Start small, consistently flow your energy into it, 
  4. and stay flexible to changes.

( Don’t stop until you try 100 times minimum)

It’s simple, yet 90% of the people won’t believe it.

if you read till this point, I’m sure you already believe in it.

 It’s time to bring it to life!

Until next week,
