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A few years ago, I came across a post that completely changed the way I see life. 

What I read that day has stayed with me ever since. 

I believe you guessed it from the headline: it was a post about the lotus flower. 

I am sure some of you are familiar with it but, 

growing up in a part of the world where this flower is rare, I’ve never seen or heard of it before a couple of years ago. 

Its story was fascinating. 

It struck a chord with me.

The fact that it begins its life in the mud, deep under the water’s surface. 

Where it’s dark, cold, and seems like nothing beautiful can come out of. 

Yet the lotus pushes through, grows, and then breaks free to bloom in the sunlight. 

The more I learned, the more I realized that the lotus wasn’t just a flower; 

→ it was a symbol of life itself.

What the lotus flower symbolizes: 

  • Purity
  • Rebirth
  • Enlightenment

I realized that each of us has the potential to be like the lotus.

No matter how deep the mud, how cloudy the water, or how tough the journey may seem, you have the power to rise above it and flourish.

  • Whether you’re in the mud, 
  • On your journey to bloom 
  • Or Transformed into the lotus 

In this letter, we’re going to learn about the 7 Lotus steps that can inspire you to bring you one step closer to your dream vision.

Let’s dive in. 

1. Acknowledge the Mud (Acceptance)

The first step is always about acknowledging where you are without judgment. 

You cannot change a situation if you don’t accept it for what it is. 

So, whether you’re level 1 or level 100 of reality.

You’re always going to be faced with some mud. 

In this case, the mud represents: 

  • Your environment
  • Life’s circumstances
  • The hardship you’re feeling.

While 99% of the population would rather stay in denial, facing the present reality is not pleasant, but it opens a door to growth. 

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.”

— J.P. Morgan

2. Set Your Intentions (Clarity)

Just like the lotus has its vision to reach the surface, you must set clear intentions and plan your vision so you can rise above your current circumstances. 

As Seneca once said: “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”

With that in mind: 

  • What do you want to achieve? 
  • What are you trying to bloom into? 
  • Setting a strong intention will guide you through the murky waters.

Setting an intention is not a 10-second thing you do “ Oh I want to manifest 1 million” 

It’s about deciding what kind of 1 Million person you’d like to be.

Because the reality is, that the universe is abundant

You can achieve that by endless paths, here are some: 

  • Recording Youtube videos 
  • Selling Courses.
  • Writing Books 

You must have the end in mind, so you can decide on the skillset now. 

( Or maybe ask yourself who inspires you the most? ) 

For me, it’s Dan Koe. 

3. Ground Yourself (Rooting)

Now that you set your vision. 

Like the lotus who got its roots anchored in the mud, you too have to anchor in your values and principles. 

Your values and principles can be: 

  • Fairness and justice
  • Courage and bravery 
  • Continuous learning and growth

And much more. 

Now to be anchored in these values, you must learn habits and behaviors that support that, whether meditation, prayer, nature..etc 

These practices serve you as:

  • Guidance in decision-making.
  • Consistency in behavior.
  • Purpose and direction

4. Stay committed  (Patience)

Now that you’ve acknowledged the mud, set your intentions, and grounded yourself in your values, the next step is allabout staying committed.

Like the lotus, which doesn’t bloom overnight, your journey requires time, energy, and commitment. 

This is where patience comes into play. 

And patience is NOT waiting. 

It’s how you behave while you wait for the fruits of your labor.

  • The process starts to feel slow
  • You’ll be pulled back with distractions
  • You’ll have no evidence that results will happen. 

This is the part where you stay: 

  • Focus on your vision.
  • Patient in your behavior.
  • Consistent in improving that skill.

Remember, the lotus doesn’t rush its blooming. 

It trusts the process and so should you.

5.  Seek The Light ( Faith) 

As you continue your journey, it’s important to keep seeking the light

-> literally and metaphorically. 

The lotus keeps its vision towards the sunlight, and so it is for you. 

The light is different for each one of us

  • Some of you are more guided by God’s faith
  • Others of you are by your faith in yourself. 
  • And others are by your faith in the higher vision.

Whatever that might be, this step is about belief. 

While beliefs are ingrained into your subconscious mind

And your subconscious mind controls 95% of your reality 

This is where your unconscious programming comes to the surface. 

  • The shadows of your unconscious
  • Negative behaviors and thoughts
  • Old triggers and circumstances 

It’s how you deal with those that are going to direct your reality. 

6. Shed the Old (Purify)

As the lotus rises through the water, it leaves behind the mud. 

Same for you, as you grow, you’ll be shedding what’s no longer serving you.

  • Behaviors, 
  • Old habits, 
  • People.

This is the purification process. 

You might ask yourself:

“ What beliefs, habits, or relationships are holding me back?” 

Letting go of the old makes space for the new, allowing you to rise more freely.

7. Bloom (Transform)

Finally, after all the hard work, patience, faith, and purification, it’s time to bloom. 

This is the stage of transformation, where you fully step into the vision you’ve been working towards.

Just as the lotus reveals its beautiful petals, you reveal the person you’ve become through this journey. 

This is your next authentic version of yourself, you are: 

  • Free from the mud that once held you down.
  • Celebrating your new expansion of reality.
  • Attracting new environments.

However, blooming is not the end, but a new beginning.

Just as the lotus continues to bloom year after year, you’ll be called to grow and evolve too. 

Like Lao Tzu once said:

“What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.”

Aquarius Full Moon Vibes: Breaking Free from Old Patterns

As you walk the path of the lotus, the energy of the Aquarius Full Moon is here to amplify your journey. 

This particular full moon is all about:

  • breaking free from outdated structures.
  • Letting go of old beliefs and habits.
  • Thinking outside the box.

With the full moon in Aquarius, you may feel a sudden urge to pivot, innovate, or redefine your life in unexpected ways. 

This is the time to embrace your individuality and trust your intuition.

If there’s an area of your life where you’ve felt restricted or stuck, now is the moment to break free and make bold moves toward the future you desire.

Journal prompts to reflect on during this full moon:

  • What patterns or beliefs are keeping me stuck?
  • Where can I allow more freedom and creativity in my life?
  • What is the unique vision I have for my future, and how can I start living it today?

Today’s Letter Takeaway:

Life is much like the journey of the lotus. 

It starts in the mud, and through patience, intention, and resilience, you rise toward the light, eventually blossoming into your next version of yourself. 

The mud of life is not a barrier; it’s the very thing that propels your growth.

  • Acknowledge the mud you’re in without judgment.
  • Set clear intentions to guide you.
  • Ground yourself and stay rooted in your values.
  • Embrace patience as you grow, trusting the process.
  • Seek the light even when it seems far away.
  • Let go of what holds you back.
  • Finally, bloom into your new version.

And with the energy of the Aquarius Full Moon, now is the perfect time to shed old patterns, break free from limitations, and step into the new reality you’ve been dreaming of.

No matter where you are in your journey, know this: 

You are capable of rising above anything. 

As always, the universe has your back.

See you next week.
