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Have you felt the pressure in the air recently?

I’m not sure about you, but I sure did. 

Feels like a storm brewing just below the surface…

The past few days have been chaotic and unsettling for many of us.

It’s as if the universe has been shaking things up, challenging us to confront our deepest fears and desires.

  • It’s dense.
  • It’s turbulent.
  • Pressure at all times.

At first, I thought July’s solar flares were impacting us on a DNA level and causing physical symptoms, but then I realized:

It’s a cosmic combo going on in the air.

Not only today marks the new moon in Leo but also marks the beginning of Mercury Retrograde while being in the middle of the powerful Lion’s Gate portal.

If you’re new to this Astro stuff, don’t worry we’ll go over these most simply in this letter. 

New Moon in Leo, what does this mean? 

New* Moons are usually about New* beginnings, ( duh)

Since everything comes in cycles, there are times to plant new seeds and there are times to harvest in full.

And since our Moooooon rhymes with Mooooney, it’s no coincidence that most people love* it for no particular reason.

If you’re one of these, I salute you.

You might be a natural money manifestor, and you just don’t know it yet.

Now every month, our lovely moon goes into a new Zodiac sign.

Since Each zodiac sign has a particular element and theme to it, you might want to look into these themes so you know what you want to plant.

This new moon is in Leo, which means it’s fiery, passionate, and all about embracing your true self.

Leo, ruled by the Sun ( the only sign ruled by our biggest star, the sun)  brings a very potent energy that sets a fire inside you to shine brightly and unapologetically.

If you feel like soaring and taking bold moves, now is the time.

  • Start that new project.
  • Create that new art.
  • Pivot into new paths.

However, let’s not forget, that this isn’t just any new moon.

The timing is also coinciding with the start of Mercury Retrograde and the powerful influence of the Lion’s Gate portal. 

What’s Mercury Retrograde, and its effects?

Well, Mercury is one of the planets in our solar system, and it’s the planet of communication.

A few times a year, it goes retrograde.

Meaning: It starts orbiting in reverse.

Once it does, it starts emitting some reverse energies, which affects us on the vibration level.

  • Trees
  • Animals
  • Humans
  • And everything else in between.

Mercury Retrograde often gets a bad rap for causing communication mishaps and technical glitches ( the worst is the wifi cutting off and signing documents online)

but it isn’t always “bad”.

You know, you can thrive in chaos.

Since Mercury Retrograde slows things down, it’s also a time for reflection, reassessment, and realignment.

It’s an opportunity to revisit old projects, clear up misunderstandings, and tie up loose ends.

So, if things start to feel a bit off, remember it’s all part of the cosmic plan to help you realign with your highest timeline.

Here are some key questions to journal:

  • Identify what you need to let go of.
  • Why you’d like to pursue that vision.
  • Ask yourself what alignment means to you.

Now, let’s talk about the Lion’s Gate portal:

The Lion’s Gate portal is a powerful cosmic event that opens from the end of July to August 12th, peaking on the 8th.

It’s the 8/8 Portal

But since this year is the year of the 8 ( 2+0+2+4):

it’s a Triple 8.

Which is a unique event that won’t happen again ( until 2033)

The symbolism of the number 8 is noteworthy because not only does the number 8 have the shape of an infinite loop suggesting limitless potential but it also represents the energy of infinity, power, and balance.

  • One 8 is good.
  • Two 8s are great.
  • Three 8s are awesome.

Going back to the Lion’s Gate portal, what’s this about?

Well, this is the time when Earth aligns with the star Sirius.

Who’s Sirius?

Sirius is the spiritual sun.

Notice how hot and uncomfortable you get once our usual sun is at the highest degrees and you’re exposed to it? You wanna go into the shade?

This is the same thing but on a spiritual and energetic level.

So If you’ve been feeling like you’ve gone into the shadows, and have an intense push to evolve, this portal is likely the reason.

It’s a time for releasing the old and making space for the new, as the energies are pushing you to personal growth and spiritual awakening.

During this period, you might feel a strong urge to cleanse your life—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

This is a perfect time to:

  • Release the Old: Let go of what no longer serves you. This could be outdated beliefs, toxic relationships, or physical clutter.
  • Make Space: With the old cleared out, you create room for new opportunities and experiences.
  • Prepare Your Body: With the high vibrational energies you might experience fatigue, headaches, or other symptoms. listen to your body’s needs.

    Rest, hydrate, and nourish yourself with healthy foods. Move your body to ground the energies.


This letter’s takeaway:

The universe is offering all of us a window to create a new reality and to jump into new timelines while transforming the shadow to light. 

  • The New Moon is all about leaping into the new.
  • Mercury Retrograde is all about the story behind your current life.
  • Lion’s Gate Portal is all about clearing the old and vibrating higher.

If you’ve been feeling that :

  • Your words are not heard then sit in silence.
  • Your actions are not acknowledged, then slow down.
  • Your emotions are not met, then honor them yourself.

Everything is happening for a reason. 

If you shift your perspective and see the lesson behind it, you’d be surprised how you can solve your own problems.

So, take those bold steps, face your fears, and allow yourself to shine unapologetically.

As always, the universe has your back.

See you next week. 


PS: Happy New Moon, feel free to share your thoughts and feedback by replying to this email.