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We’ve all been programmed since childhood to follow a predictable path:

  • Go to school.
  • Get good grades.
  • Find a stable job.
  • and maybe, just maybe, create something new along the way.

But when you follow this program :

  • You yearn for something deep.
  • You want to feel alive, yet feel burdened
  • You search for freedom yet feel restricted.

The thing is you feel those things because that path wasn’t created by YOU. 

That path has been created by someone else ( an elite of the world) for another particular reason. 

Now the purpose of this letter is not to make you see these “elite” as bad people; but to make you see that the only way to break from another person’s creation is to: create yours.

Understand The Concept of Creation

Creation isn’t just about making art or starting a business.

It’s about bringing something new into existence that didn’t exist before. ( the same exact way, vibe, or touch..) 

The same as the times when this whole universe was a black void and then “the creator” or “the most high” created life into it: you’re meant to birth new worlds too.

→ You are meant to use your abilities to tap into that power.

→ That’s how you tap into the most high frequency.

With that said, you might be asking what can I do to tap into that power?

Well, creation is about using your:

  • Mind to Focus on a new possibility in the quantum field.
  • Body to bring the idea from the unseen to the seen world
  • Spirit to stay connected to that highest frequency.

And in today’s age, it’s about using the digital world as a medium too. 

But In reality, it all starts with your mind.

  • You cannot change the program, if you don’t even see it.
  • You cannot see the new possibilities if your mind is foggy.
  • You cannot tap into your quantum mind if you’re distracted.

What’s The Quantum Field and Mind? ( Scientifically)

In Physics, they call it the quantum field which is the space of infinite potential, a realm where all possibilities exist simultaneously.

It’s a level of reality where :

  • Everything is energy
  • All possibilities already exist
  • Your consciousness is what determines which particle to attract.

In this field, the material world ( 3D Reality) and your thoughts are not separated, rather, they’re intertwined and influencing each other continuously.

Now you might be asking, what does this have to do with me creating my reality?

The thing is, creation is of the mind.

  • Your mind is the key that accesses this quantum field.
  • It acts as the bridge between the formless and the formed, the seen and the unseen.

So when you use your mind to think of a new idea, you send ripples into this quantum field.

  • When you send this ripple, you set a motion of energy.
  • When this motion of energy is triggered, you’ll start to attract it.

This is why when you think of a blue car all day, the next day you’ll only notice blue cars on the road.

It is NOT theory or woo-woo.

This is the science behind how thoughts become things.

When you understand this, you realize that:

  • Creation is not JUST an act, but a state of being.
  • You are always creating, (whether consciously or unconsciously)
  • To break free from the programming, you have to focus on higher frequencies → The quantum field.

How To Tap into Your Highest Frequency

As we’ve said above, the highest frequency is the frequency of the most high.

According to Map of Consciousness by David Hawkins, it is said to be “Enlightenment” is the highest state of consciousness.

But what is exactly enlightenment?

Enlightenment isn’t a state reserved only for the monks and mystics.

It’s a state where you’re

  • fully aware and aligned with your divinity
  • In harmony with the nature of this world.
  • Consciously channeling your mind’s energy into the quantum realm

Since in today’s world, the digital space has become the #1 medium to showcase our creation,  it has become the direct link to the higher frequencies.


Because every content, post, video, and product is a piece of your consciousness brought to life.

It’s the effect of your thoughts, intentions, and energy directed toward that particular particle in the quantum field that manifested into the physical reality (3D)

In other words: creation is the mirror of your own consciousness.

Once you start creating, you’ll:

  • Start seeing the level you’re vibrating at.
  • Trigger the shadows that come to the surface
  • Be Faced with your mind’s limitations.

And the more you face these, the more you raise not only your own consciousness but the collective one.

→ This is why creation is indeed the highest form of Spirituality.

Today’s Letters Takeaway:

Creation is your birthright, your bridge to freedom, and your connection to the divine, highest energy.

9 reminders for you:

  1. Creation is spirituality in action.
  2. Creation connects you to divinity.
  3. Creation breaks old programming.
  4. Every thought shapes your reality.
  5. Focus your mind; attract possibilities.
  6. Creation mirrors your consciousness.
  7. Creation raises collective consciousness.
  8. Digital creation channels higher frequencies.
  9. Enlightenment is a conscious, aligned creation.

See you next week.
